Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Download Screen Capture App for Galaxy S, S11 and Tab without Rooting the Device

You must have found lot of applications in Google Play market to capture screen for your android device. But to use these apps, you should root your device first. Now we have discovered a new app to capture your screen without rooting your device. This app works only on Samsung Galaxy S, S11 and Tab phones. If you owned any other android phone then try this app on your phone, if it installs smoothly and works fine then mention it with your android phone model name in comments section.

Screen Capture Shortcut comes in both Free and Paid version. This application resides in the Notification Bar. The only difference in both free and paid apps is, using paid app you will be able to capture screen by Shaking the Android Phone.
How to Capture Screen Using Screen Capture Shortcut
  • First of all, you have to enable One Click Screen Capture. Drag Down the notification bar and select Yes in Capture from Notification.

  • Now every time when you want to capture the screen then pull down the Notification bar and tap on Screen Capture Shortcut.
  • Users must have to repeat the same every time when they want to capture the screen.
  • You can also change the screen capture time according to your need.

  • All the captured images saved in the My Files Folder in Screen Capture.

Download Screen Capture Shortcut App

If you want to get paid version of this app for free in your galaxy android phone then read our article Download all Paid Apps for Free.

That’s it! If you find this app is useful for you then share your experience of Screen Capture App in comments. It will be highly appreciated.

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