Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How to Update HTC EVO 3D CDMA with Leaked ICS v4.0.3 Firmware

Many of the big brand manufactures are frequently launching latest android ICS v4.0 on their devices. HTC has planning to release ICS v4.0.3 Firmware on their HTC EVO 3D CDMA smartphone but some folks have released its RUU leaked version. As it not an official update for HTC EVO 3D CDMA, but it won’t require to root your HTC device. Remember this update is not for GSM android phone but if you are willing to test it on your HTC EVO GSM mobile then try it at your own risk. We will not be responsible for any mishappen to your phone.

Leaked version of ICS v4.0.3 for HTC EVO doesn’t have any bug, it works fine as any other HTC update do. Release date of its final version is not specified yet but if you desperately want to update your HTC EVO CDMA smartphone then do follow the following pre-requisites and update guide.

Pre-Requisites and Rooting Information
  • During the update process, data stored on the device may corrupt or damage. So it is highly recommended to back up of all your data before applying this update. Use Astro File Manager to backup your data.
  • It is recommended to charge your android device up-to 60% to avoid unexpected shut down during the installation.
  • Enable USB Debugging mode on your device from the path SettingsàApplicationsàDevelopmentàUSB Debugging.
  • Disable all Antivirus/Firewall apps installed on your HTC device.
  • Remember this update will not root your device.
  • If you have already rooted your HTC device then after applying this update will the rooting access will be revoked.
How to Update HTC EVO 3D CDMA with Leaked ICS v4.0.3 Firmware
  • First of all, download leaked ICS 4.0.3 Package on your computer from here.
  • Now connect your device with the computer and place downloaded package in the root folder of the SD card.
  • After this disconnect your device from computer and shut down your smartphone.
  • Now enter into Recovery Mode by holding and pressing the both volume keys and power button together. In Recovery Mode, Use Volume keys to go on next option and Power Button to select the option.
  • In Recovery Mode, navigate to Install Zip From SD CardàChoose Zip from SD Card and then select the ICS Downloaded Package.
  • Now the update process will start and it will take maximum of 5 minutes to complete.
  • Once the update is successfully applied select ++++Go Back++++ button in Recovery Mode and choose Reboot System Now. Remember it will take some time to re-start your HTC device to apply changes. So, don’t worry if it doesn't start in 2-3 minutes.
Note:- If your devices doesn’t start within 3-4 minutes then re-insert the battery in it and if there is any problem occurs during the installation then also re-insert the battery to start the process from starting.

That’s it! You have now successfully updated your HTC EVO 3D CDMA with latest Android ICS v4.0.3. If you have any problem during the installation process then mention it in the comments section and also give your valuable suggestion about the article.

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