Saturday, April 28, 2012

How To Get Paid Android Apps For Free

Google Play consolidates more than 2,00,000 apps for android phones. Most of these apps are free but there are also paid apps, most of the paid apps are in single or double figures. But some apps are in three figures which are best worth for the price. But sometime the purchased app wasn’t able to meet our expectations then it seems like a complete wastage of money. If such purchased app is in three figures then it might hurt you a lot.

Now Google Play allows its users to go for the test drive for the app before purchasing it. But it is unlike amazon’s Android Market which gives flexibilities to smartphone users to actual try the paid app before purchasing it. But in Google Play store user cannot test the paid app before purchasing it, users have to purchase the app first but Google Play gives 100% refundable guarantee. User can refund his invested money instantly and return the app back to Google play store. To refund, Google Play gives 15 minutes to the users to test the purchased app. If user finds the app worth useful then he can keep the app, otherwise refund his money within 15 minutes. Out of these 15 minutes, 10 minutes are to test the app and remaining 5 minutes to refund the money.

How To Get Paid Android Apps For Free
  • First of all, login with your account in Google Play Store and purchase any paid app from there.
  • Once you have purchased the app, immediately launch it and try is for next 10 minutes. If you finds it good and don’t want your money back then its OK. But if isn’t able to full fill your need then Go to the My Apps in your Google Play Store and search for the app which you want to return back.
  • Open the app page and click on Refund button. App will be immediately uninstalled from your device and you will receive an Email in your inbox, saying
"You have uninstalled the application from your phone. We have cancelled your order and you have not been charged."

  • During uninstalling the app it might ask reason why you want to uninstall the app. Select any of the option or select I Had rather not say. Google Play store will show you this kind of message on your screen.

That’s it! It was the simple trick to get paid android app for free. But again remember you have only 15 minutes to refund.

Now you have to be more quicker. Once you have downloaded the paid app then backup of the app in SD card using Astro File Manager and ask for refund from Google Play. After getting the invested money back, restore the app. That's it! Now you can run any paid app on your smartphones without paying a single penny.
Learn here How to Back up and Restore Data Using Astro File Manager

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1 comments: on "How To Get Paid Android Apps For Free"

Anonymous said...

men that is a genius way to download paid apps!!!
this is brilliant! i love it!

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