Friday, April 27, 2012

Reliance To Offer 1GB Free 3G Data For New Android Phones

Reliance Communication has the second largest Telecom service provider in India. RCOM spends a lot in advertising every year. In last year Reliance was at No.1 position to spend in advertisement. This time Reliance has partnered with Google India to give 1GB free 3G data with new android phones and now every Google-Endorsed Smartphone sold in our country will bundled with Reliance mobile connection. This will be available for both Pre-Paid as well as Post-Paid users from 15 June onwards.

Reliance 1GB 3G connection will be available in all leading Android Phones manufacturing companies like Samsung, HTC, Sony, LG etc in all Reliance’s 13 3G circles in India which includes Delhi, West Bengal, Mumbai, Himachal Pradesh, Kolkata, Bihar, Orissa, Rajasthan, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and North East. This 3G connection will be activated in 72 hours by making the customer voice call using the android device. Users will also receive Confirmation Message for it. This 3G data will be validated for 1 month. Users will also be able to use another operator’s Sim Cards at the same time i.e. you don’t have to be bound with Reliance Network.

Reliance has deal with Google for next two years to promote the Android Market in India. Reliance has also planned to start expert customer care, carrier billing, exclusive apps and content in addition to the dedicated Android experience zone available in leading Reliance outlets in India.

This is the 4th such deal for Google and 1st in India. Apple big rival of Google, will also come up with free 3G data packs with Aircel and Airtel.

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